Caries, no matter where it strikes, is dangerous to humans. Its danger is not limited to the risk of tooth loss, with active reproduction ...

Causes and treatment of exposure of the neck of the tooth, the best folk remedies. What to do if the roots of the teeth at the gums are exposed ...

Why does a tooth hurt when pressed and bitten, can a healthy tooth hurt? Gum pain when clicking on a tooth ...

Signs, symptoms and treatment of fractures of the lower and upper jaw. Classification: closed, open fracture of the jaw, with displacement and without. How much does heal ...

Causes of dark brown plaque on the tongue in adults and children. What does this mean and what can be if the language ...

How to treat herpes (colds) in the mouth of an adult and a child. A photo of what herpes looks like in the sky, gum, and oral mucosa. How…

The causes of the appearance of dots, spots, rashes and specks on the lips under the skin and in the corners. Why do white lips appear on the skin of the lips ...

Causes of black plaque in the tongue in adults and children. What are the symptoms of a black tongue in humans? Black dots and ...

Causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips and mouth in adults with folk remedies. Remedies for dryness in the corners of the lips ...

In the mouth on glands and tonsils are white lumps with an unpleasant odor: what does this mean? Purulent white balls and formations in ...

Is it possible to restore tooth enamel in dentistry or at home with folk remedies and how to do it? Implantation of artificial dental ...